Avalon Harbor Underwater Cleanup
Join NLS at the Avalon Harbor Clean Up! RSVP below to receive more information on the cleanup.
Availability: Contact us for booking information
Every year, the Avalon Harbor in Catalina Island is open to divers for one day, and one day only. Divers from all around come to help pull debris out of the harbor that have accumulated over the year. There are prizes given for the most interesting items retrieved from the harbor as well as raffle prizes that include dive gear, trips, etc.
Kelly and Chris from the NLS staff take a trip every year to the Island to participate in this fun event and we love when our scuba family joins in on the fun. The bonus is after the clean-up event we get unlimited dives at the marine park right next door. This is not only a great way to experience beautiful California diving, but its also a great way to do your part to help the underwater environment!
Trip details:
This trip is unique in the fact that we run it as a “meet us there” kind of trip. There are NO fees or payments made to NLS directly.
• NLS will create a dive team and secure a dive location for our team
• Divers are responsible for their own transportation & lodging
• A registration fee is due to USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber (approx. $45-$60).
• Divers will take the Ferry to the harbor (approx. $70 roundtrip)
• Divers are responsible for all incidentals (food, beverage, etc.)
Dive Conditions:
• Water temps mid to high 50’s
• Viz at Catalina 30-70 feet
• Kelp Forests
• Marine life: Garibaldi, Harbor Seals, Giant Black Sea Bass, Horn Sharks
To Register:
- You will need to register with the Avalon Harbor Cleanup website here and associate yourself with our dive team 'No Limits Scuba'
- We will be diving from Casino Point.
- You can rent any gear needs from us prior to the trip (regs, BCDs, wetsuits, Drysuits, computers, etc)
- You will need to rent Tanks and Weights on the island. You can book rental directly when registering or use you can request rental gear through Casino Point Divers here
- We will have a pre-trip meeting about a month prior to the event to cover questions and discuss diving logistics
- We will send emails to all registered participants with details of the pretrip