Mike McNulty

I first dove (looking back on it now, completely unsafely) during a work trip off Culebra at 23 years old in 1985 and thought it was the most amazing f’ing thing I had ever experienced. Many corporate-job years and stresses later, fastforward to 2014, I was vacationing in Cabo and took my second recreational dive with a local Divemaster legend. The sea life was totally, ridiculously amazing, and I decided that I would dive again as soon as I could – and this time I would do it right away and with safety as a primary goal. I returned to the US, signed up the next day for OW and the rest is history.
I love working with the NLS Team and Customers to bring more joy to everyone in both the fresh air and underwater worlds, and to further support the PADI Aware Mission and Pillars of Change.